I have a tendency to sip on coffee in the morning, soft drinks in the afternoon and then catch up on water in the evening (in between my self medicating wine glass that is). With the sizzling heat of Arizona I have been forced to change my drinking habits, opting for water more often then not after my first cup of coffee because it seems nearly impossible to stay hydrated when it is a blazing 110F outside, and the only thing that quenches my thirst is water. But let’s face it, water for all the good it does is rather dull and uninspiring, which is why it is often under appreciated in my home. I even find the popular water with lemon drab, which is why I have started reaching into my fruit bowl in an attempt to fall in love with water all over again.
Interestingly enough, once you start to experiment with water, the universe opens up into a hive of hydration inspiration. My go to summer infused recipe: Black berries, raspberries, mint and water. Next time you feel like dressing up your glass of water, try reaching for the following fresh accessories:
The herbal delights: Rose petals, lemon grass, lavender, dandelion, mint, basil, rosemary, or cilantro.
The refreshingly common: Cucumber, ginger shavings, citrus twists.
The Fruity Tooty: Berries, peaches, plums, melon, citrus, mango, pineapple, and endless possibilities.